06 September 2021the future of work is remote: white paper 2021.workforce trendsinfographicsresearch and reportswork-life balance
16 August 202169% of malaysia workers want to continue working from home after the pandemic. workforce trendsresearch and reportsCOVID-19leadership and management
09 July 20216 ways we help logistics firms succeed in 2021 and beyond.workforce trendssupply chain and logistics industrydigital transformationtalent acquisition
25 March 2021manufacturing recruitment: challenges and opportunities.workforce trendsresearch and reportsmanufacturing industryCOVID-19learning and developmenttalent acquisition
22 March 2021flexibility@work 2021: embracing change.workforce trendsresearch and reportsdigital transformationlabour market trends
18 February 202148% of respondents in malaysia wants flexible work arrangements after the pandemic: randstad workmonitor.workforce trendsCOVID-19work-life balance
03 February 20213 in 5 struggle to upskill to survive in a post-pandemic world: randstad workmonitor.workforce trendsresearch and reportsCOVID-19learning and development
14 January 2021market outlook: malaysia’s construction industry will rebound in 2021.workforce trendsresearch and reportsconstruction industry
11 January 2021market outlook: malaysia’s manufacturing industry will remain resilient in 2021.workforce trendsresearch and reportsmanufacturing industry