06 September 2021the future of work is remote: white paper 2021.workforce trendsinfographicsresearch and reportswork-life balance
16 August 202169% of malaysia workers want to continue working from home after the pandemic. workforce trendsresearch and reportsCOVID-19leadership and management
02 July 2021what you need to know about top 10 companies in malaysia 2021.employer brandinfographicsresearch and reportsrandstad employer brand researchtop companies to work for
14 June 2021malaysian workers ranked salary over work-life balance.employer brandinfographicsresearch and reportsCOVID-19employee benefitsemployee retentionrandstad employer brand researchwork-life balance
09 June 2021shell malaysia is the most attractive company to work for in 2021.employer brandresearch and reportsCOVID-19randstad employer brand researchtop companies to work for
08 April 2021employer brand research 2021: top companies in malaysia revealed.employer brandresearch and reportsrandstad employer brand researchtop companies to work for
25 March 2021manufacturing recruitment: challenges and opportunities.workforce trendsresearch and reportsmanufacturing industryCOVID-19learning and developmenttalent acquisition
22 March 2021flexibility@work 2021: embracing change.workforce trendsresearch and reportsdigital transformationlabour market trends
03 February 20213 in 5 struggle to upskill to survive in a post-pandemic world: randstad workmonitor.workforce trendsresearch and reportsCOVID-19learning and development
14 January 2021market outlook: malaysia’s construction industry will rebound in 2021.workforce trendsresearch and reportsconstruction industry