30 August 202297% of malaysians are interested in learning and development opportunities, but only 36% received them: workmonitor.workforce trendsemployee retentionlabour market trendslearning and development
26 July 2022how flexible work can improve your talent attraction strategy.employer brandemployee benefitsemployee experienceemployee retentiontalent acquisitionwork-life balance
13 July 20223 ways to optimise and streamline your interview process.talent managementinfographicsdigital transformationemployee retentionlabour market trendstalent acquisition
30 May 20228 mistakes in managing a remote workforce you can avoid. workforce trendsinfographicsresearch and reportsdigital transformationemployee retentionleadership and managementwork-life balance
12 May 202230% of malaysian employees to change jobs by june 2022: employer brand research.employer brandresearch and reportsCOVID-19employee benefitsemployee retentionrandstad employer brand research
18 April 202210 ways to boost employee morale remotely that companies are not doing.workforce trendsinfographicsresearch and reportsemployee experienceemployee retentionwork-life balance
17 November 2021blue suite: the big pay disparity in malaysia and how to narrow it. employer brandblue suiteemployee experienceemployee retentionleadership and managementsalary benchmarks
14 October 2021employer brand research 2021: how to engage and retain customer service and support talent.employer brandresearch and reportsemployee retentionrandstad employer brand researchwork-life balance
07 October 2021employer brand research 2021: how to retain healthcare workers?employer brandresearch and reportsemployee retentionrandstad employer brand researchwork-life balance
23 September 2021employer brand research 2021: what does ICT and engineering talent want and how to attract them to work for you?employer brandresearch and reportsengineering industryIT industryemployee benefitsemployee retentionlearning and developmentrandstad employer brand researchtalent acquisitionwork-life balance